By Abiola Wasiu

Date: 3rd June, 2022
By all definitions I am a Buharist an unapologetic one at that. I am also a Tinubuist. I believe in Asiwaju presidential aspiration. He represents the best aspiration I have seen so far. He has the capacity to create wealth and how to distribute it fairly he also has the understanding of how to evolve a security architecture that will be tailored to suit our peculiarities.
One thing is clear in all this PMB speech brouhaha the writer/composer of the speech is lazy or at best he or she is highly competently incompetent. By now any Mr. President speech writer that can’t read the minds of Nigerians and project into their likely focuses, interests and reactions any time they read or listen to PMB addresses then such a speech writer doesn’t deserve his job.
From the statements made by PMB when he addressed the progressive Governors he clearly set out criteria he would love a possible successor to possess which is fantastic but he betrayed the speech himself by making unnecessary gaffes. Asking Governors to help him in this regard sounds noble but it provided the much needed in-roads for the Governors and the media. Asserting right to pick a successor is also uncalled for. It can be liken to a man reminding his wife that he is the husband.
The public space had known no peace since he met the Governors a lot of conspiracies had been developed many are still coming.
Asiwaju who is known to be reserved and non boastful surprisingly exploded in Abeokuta when he met Ogun state elected delegates. But in fairness to him the short range ballistic missile was actually needed for such an event not for the delegates but for two main individuals. Professor Osinbajo and Governor Dapo Abiodun. Both are direct beneficiaries of Asiwaju political largesse. One already declared himself to be an apostate of his Oga political dynasty while the other is hiding behind a finger. Dapo got the message and I am very sure that our amiable Vice President also got it very clearly. PMB equally must have seen that perhaps his relationship with Jagaban is at a make or break point. If something is urgently not done the relationship will deteoriate. As at today the relationship is cool and healthy but uneasy. Many people may disagree with this.
There is basically no need for Mr. President to anoint anyone after you had encouraged all of them to pick form. Doing so suggests hypocrisy and deception. Allow all of them to test their acceptability in a free and fair primaries.
Asiwaju made PYO single handedly, he contributed in larger sense to make Dapo as a Governor. He was in a decider position in transforming GMB to PMB. In fairness to others like Atiku, Amaechi and Baba Akande they contributed greatly to GMB metamorphosis into PMB. I still remember the first media outing PMB had with Prof. Osinbajo Baba could hardly pronounced “Osinbajo” in fact it trended on social media for days. PMB doesn’t know Osinbajo before then. No story. Asiwaju stand out because he was in commanding position and a position of great convenience he could have chosen to return GEJ by cutting a deal for himself or chose Atiku a close ally or Kwankaso the toast of North West then but he chose GMB. No one among the founding fathers of APC was firmly in control of their geopolitical zones the way Asiwaju was in charge of the southwest. Asiwaju was indeed the beautiful bride. These are facts. Facts don’t die neither do they tell lies. After now, fact will reassert itself.
For me, Baba Buhari needs to reflect and reccommit himself to the spirit of his friendship with Asiwaju they both need each other now more than ever before Asiwaju desires Buhari’s seat while Buhari desire a calm and peaceful rest. It is only Asiwaju presidency that can guarantee that. “The Anything But Asiwaju” Gang are not APC members no matter how much they pretend to love Buhari now. PMB must move away from them. Asiwaju is cosmopolitan, intelligent and cerebral. He is a good fit.
Asiwaju aspiration deserve commendations of all true Progressives. He will remodel the party, reward loyalty and build a prosperous Nigeria that will benefit all Nigerians.
Lastly, the idea of a northern candidate succeeding Baba Buhari is dead on arrival. Badaru and his gang of “Only a Northern candidate can defeat Atiku” are not only liars they are as well greedy, unpatriotic and are highly inconsiderate. Perhaps, they are working for Atiku. It is only a mole that will propagate such an idea in the APC at the moment. Unfortunately, they are having Baba’s ears at the moment. Asiwaju being a southerner guarantees APC retention of power at the centre. He will win handsomely even Atiku knows.
I am Alhaji Abiola Wasiu National Deputy Director for Nigeria Diaspora for Asiwaju NDA. For feedback