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Kwara Governor AbdulRahman Announces Revamp And Reappraisal of Offa Stadium

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has embarked on a visit to the Olofa Stadium in Offa, where he announced plans for the reconstruction of the facility.

Recognizing the stadium’s 40-year-old design, the Governor directed the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to conduct a comprehensive re-appraisal and formulate recommendations for its revitalization.

“This is a 40-year-old design. So, we need to revamp it to improve the standard.

The same attention will be given to the Lafiagi Stadium,” stated AbdulRazaq during his inspection of the Offa Stadium, emphasizing the need for modernization to meet current standards.

Citing budgetary constraints and evolving socioeconomic priorities as factors that impeded previous renovation efforts, the Governor expressed determination to overcome these challenges and proceed with the stadium’s reconstruction.

Accompanying Governor AbdulRazaq on the visit was former Commissioner for Water Resources, Hon. Femi Agbaje, indicating the significance of the initiative and the commitment of the state government towards sports development.

“The plan is for this stadium to also host state and national sporting events, and that will stimulate socioeconomic growth,” highlighted the Governor, underlining the potential impact of a revitalized stadium on the local economy and sporting landscape.

“I have come to see the state of the stadium as it is. What we found out is that we actually need a new design for the stadium. After that, consultancy work will begin in earnest,” AbdulRazaq elaborated, outlining the next steps in the reconstruction process.

With a clear vision for transforming the Offa Stadium into a modern sporting facility capable of hosting prestigious events, Governor AbdulRazaq’s visit signifies a significant stride towards enhancing sports infrastructure and fostering community engagement in Kwara State.

As plans for the stadium’s revitalization unfold, stakeholders eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes it will bring to the region, both in terms of sports development and socioeconomic advancement.

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