Let Hamas release ALL the hostages, including the bodies of those that have died, and let’s wait for the excuse Benjamin Netanyahu will come up with to prolong this senseless war.

In fact, I don’t even know who is the bigger culprit between Hamas and Netanyahu in this utterly godless slaughter.
While Netanyahu is obviously desirous of prolonging the war to prolong his stay in power and avoid going to jail for corruption, Hamas clearly has no regard for Palestinian lives, hence its own reluctance to release the hostages.
Hamas is undoubtedly a despicable terrorist organisation but Israel has become an apartheid state under its rightwing rulers.
The Israelis react disproportionately to the death of one of their own while Hamas is quite comfortable to classify those Palestinians its terrorist activities led to their deaths as martyrs.
There are no martyrs on either side, only needless victims.
May the souls of the victims on either side rest in the bosom of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What is taking place in Gaza is a macabre reality of disregard for human life on both sides.
Shamefully, the so-called Holy Land is anything but holy these days.
May God not help us because it’s time for us to help ourselves.
This war must stop right now.
Enough of the bloodshed.
Jesutega Onokpasa.