First, name a country where meetings start and end with a prayer. I’m not sure there are many, but Nigerians do this. As an expatriate living here, l’ve embraced this tradition and work to reinforce it.

Secondly, l’ve never seen people as joyful as Nigerians. Even the poorest, without a kobo in their pocket, smile, laugh. Where does this joy come from?
It must be a gift from God.
Where else can you visit your brother, sister, uncle, or cousin without needing to schedule an appointment weeks in advance?
In Nigeria, family doors are always open, and the soup is ready to be shared. Even when it’s barely enough, you’ll still get your portion.
Name a place where the elderly are deeply respected. I’ll tell you-it’s Yoruba land.
Also, if you want to find a place where people are known to be highly business oriented. That’s Igbo land.
Name a place filled with brave, generous people with strong hearts. That’s Hausa land. And if you’re looking for classy, proud Nigerians, visit Edo State, home to the ancient Benin Empire.
Are you curious why I learned Yoruba? I had a teacher come to my office daily to teach me because they have greetings for everything! They love to greet, they are joyful people, and highly educated. I also learned Hausa through a teacher, as it shares words with Arabic and is spoken widely, not just in Nigeria.
Nigeria is a blessed nation. Despite the global economic crises, It is striving to rise above them.
Yes, there have been challenges and mistakes along the way, and things could have been done better. Nothing good comes easy.
There’s still much work to be done.
I love this county and the whole World has to know WHY.